Three Things That Make Hungry Texans Weep

November 8, 2017 by noelbranham in People Texas 6 comments
Three Things That Make Hungry Texans Weep

Texans are known for their incredible taste in food, whether it’s BBQ, Tex-Mex, or just plain Southern they know how to make your mouth happy. That said, there are some things that come across to Texans as just plain wrong when it comes to food:

  • Calling queso cheese dip. This is America people, use the language of native Texans: Queso. It’s Spanish for cheese, and English for the ‘Nectar of the heavens.’  The only time you will hear a Texan saying ‘cheese’ and ‘dip’ in the same sentence is if they have come out with a new kind of cheddar flavored tobacco. (Fun fact: If you add enough jalapenos, tomatoes, cilantro, and onions to your queso, it becomes a vegetable.)
  • Asking if it’s cilantro or parsley in the checkout line. Many Texans have noticed that the second they step out of their beloved state’s borders there is a lack of understanding about the differences between cilantro (Not pronounced SEE-LAWN-TROGH) and parsley. If it has hints of a soap-like fragrance and you have the sudden urge to throw it in queso, it’s cilantro. If you really want to make a Texan confused, refer to cilantro as ‘coriander leaves’, they will politely correct you with their southern charm.
  • Putting beans in your chili. There is nothing more perverse to a Texan than finding beans in chili. Why, you ask? Because why waste precious space in your chili with beans floating around when you could have more meat. If we wanted beans in our chili we would call it ‘Beans-with-meat-sauce”. Yum. Doesn’t that sound appetizing…?  :&


Remeber, do not question a people who eat tacos for three meals a day. Also, if you love Texas, YA romances, and want to read more about the awesome eating habits of Texans, look no further: The Simple Soul of Susan

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Until next time y’all!

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6 comments on this post

  1. Jessica
    November 8, 2017


    • noelbranham
      November 8, 2017


  2. Rachel
    November 8, 2017

    Lol! I totally agree with the cilantro! That’s happened to me before!

    • noelbranham
      November 8, 2017

      Glad I’m not the only one! 🙂

  3. Karen
    November 8, 2017

    But I like beans in my chili 😉

    • noelbranham
      November 8, 2017

      We’ll let you slide this time 🙂


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